Friday, February 13, 2009

Elijah Brent Moore

I got on to post this yesterday and thought I had... when I logged on this morning it was still in the editing phase. Stay tuned for more details!


Unknown said...

Oh, how sweet! Congratulations! I'm sure you'll have extra love floating around your house today with the new baby at home. What a cutie!

kristen said...

yay! Congratulations!!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Congrads on your new baby boy.

Nat said...

Congrats! I love that you already have it scrapbooked! You've always been so on top of things.

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! I've been checking your blog every day in hopes of seeing that everything went okay. I'm so glad that it did! I love that his eyes are so wide open!

Anonymous said...

YEA! Congratulations! He is just adorable. Now I just need details.....

Kimber Family said...

So cute! Congrats! I hope you are both doing wonderful. He sure is handsome! How is his big sister handling it? Still in the great new stage? How exciting for you all.