Tuesday, June 3, 2008

California Dreamin'

We spent the last five days in Gridley, California (an hour outside of Sacramento) with Steve and Jayda and their kids Skylar (2 and a half) and Cole (11 weeks). It was a great trip. We got the grand tour and learned the history of Gridley, we spent a day in Chico at Caper Acre, a section of Bidwell Park with an amazing kids playground, and we saw Cole's blessing. We had fresh berries at every meal and Miriam was a star on the plane and loved spending time with her cousins. Although sleeping was rough and she had more off moments than in normal life, she enjoyed the trip. And one of the best parts of a vacation is coming back home. When we got within a few blocks of home, Miriam recognized where we were and started dancing and jigging and happily screaming. It was a wonderful week. Here are some of the highlights...

Miriam loved swimming!

Uncle Brent and Skylar playing dress up. Can somebody say "What an amazing uncle?!?" I especially like the "football stance" position and Skylar making sure she's doing it right.

Wading in the river at Bidwell Park in Chico. I love how the light comes off of the river. She looks more contemplative than she actually was at the time.

Reading with Uncle Steve

This was approximately Miriam's hundreth Ring Around the Rosie after Skylar taught her how to play. She loved it and fell down appropriately each time.

The Moore Cousins

Our last night was a rough one for us. This is the next morning after Miriam had finally gone to sleep... right before we put her in the car and drove to the airport.

This is probably one of my favorite pictures of the trip. Two little diapers running as fast as they can into the sunset. How much better can it get?

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