Friday, September 25, 2009

My new favorite picture

I don't know what it is about this picture, but I adore it. This was a few weeks ago, but I haven't done a lot with pictures lately. Last night I sat down to empty my memory card and when I saw this I was about as happy as a clam. Although how happy can a clam get? I was about as happy as a little boy going down the slide and running into his adored and adoring big sister. I put it up as my desktop wallpaper and this morning when Miriam woke up (she's an office sleeper now) she said "MAMA! IT'S MIMI AND EE-EYE!" I stepped in the room and she was excitedly pointing at the computer screen. I said "Yeah! Look at how happy you are!" She looked, smiled, and said "we both have shirts on!" I didn't realize it was that momumental of an event, but apparantly that's the first and foremost notable element of the photo. Maybe she'll be a fashionista after all. Either way, I LOVE this shot of them. And I've always said that Brent has nice legs.


Unknown said...

Very cute, obviously super happy kids. I love Eli's smile. :)

Anonymous said...

pure cuteness.....

erin said...

Oh Cute! You should turn it in at the fair and see what they say:)