Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Buck up, little camper

Miriam is now a camper! Brent took her on her first outside outing this weekend with his parents to Topaz Mountain. It's one of Brent's mom's favorite camping places because of all the topaz chunks to find. It's also where Brent asked me to marry him. Anyway, not being an avid sleep-outsider myself, I was interested to see how she would do. Turns out Miriam is a star camper. She cooked marshmallows on sticks, hammered out rocks, and loved every minute of it. While he woke up every hour throughout the night, Miriam just slept and slept and slept. I was most concerned when it started pouring rain here. I pictured them huddled in a soggy tent with the wind and rain whirling around them. But then I checked the weather radar map. There was a huge red/yellow storm right over Salt Lake County, with a huge circle of green. There was only the extreme edge of the storm, the feathery green parts, over Topaz Mountain. As a mother who has only spent three nights away from her little girl, and all of them in the hospital with Elijah, I think I did as well as she did.
Miriam with her hat, flashlight, bunny, candy necklace, and fanny pack for collecting topaz.
Showing off her topaz.

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