Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

It's my birthday next week. Hooray! I have always loved my birthday, even the years that it's been on the first day of school or in the first week with brand new college roommates. It's always been MY day. Even when things are just normal, like they usually are, they're a little more special because those things are on my birthday. When I see people walking around with a silly smile on their face I think "it must be their birthday." I don't mind the getting older part of it, either. I feel it gives me more clout and authority to say "mid-30s" rather than "20 something." Anyway, this year I'd like everybody else to feel as much speciality on my birthday as I do. So I'm having my first-ever drawing. I'm not quite sure yet what I'll give away as a prize, but if you would like to enter the drawing, simply make a comment on this post. On Wednesday, September 1 (my birthday), I'll put all the names in something or other and pull one out. That lucky person will get some lucky thing from me! I'm going to do the drawing on my birthday even though it may mean that it won't be an on-Paige's-birthday-present for you (of the 5 people that read my blog, only 2 live in Midvale). It's all about me, see, so this birthday activity will be for ME on MY BIRTHDAY. It's kind of like when I mail a birthday package or card to somebody else, I like to do so on the birthday of the person, so that I get to celebrate that person's birthday ON their birthday and to heck with when they finally get the thing. If it gets there late, they can pretend their birthday lasts longer. So, shout out a birthday message to me and get ready to win! Can't lose on this one. Sorry about the generic birthday pic, but I am currently in Boise and don't have access to my pictures. Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh! I want to win! And I LOVE your attitude Paige. I HATE my birthday. i need to be more like you!

Shauna said...

Ooooo, a drawing. I wish more people read my blog and I would do a drawing. I am glad you feel that your birthday is a little more special than other days. I love my birthday, but never really feel that it is anymore secial than any other day. So Happy Early Birthday!!!

Marika said...

I think it's a great idea to send the birthday person a card or gift ON their birthday! That way they do know you were thinking of them on their special day AND they get a birthday surprise when they might not be expecting it! I might totally copy that idea, Paige!

Also, I love my birthday too! I used to make CDs of music that I loved during that year and give it to my friends on my birthday. I haven't done that for a couple of years, but maybe I should start again.

Anyway, happy birthday to you!!!

Ginger said...

Whew! I checked your blog just in time.

A Very Merry Unbirthday to you!! If I win the drawing I kind of like Marika's idea of a birthday CD. You do have great taste in music Peej! :) Not that you were soliciting advice on exactly what you should give away...but I gave it anyway :)

I hope you have a very happy day. I'll send happy thoughts into the atmosphere for you.

Be Moore said...

You have a birthday coming up? Sign me up for the prize drawing.

Britney said...

Yay! Happy Birthday Paiger! I always think about you at the start of the school year. I remember our first year at Ricks, didn't we celebrate your birthday the day we moved in or close to it. That was funny...hey nice to meet ya & Happy Birthday! I wish we lived closer to each other so you could teach my girls piano and guitar! Love you!

Mom said...

As the only living person currently living on earth who was present on that day and place, I want to wish you a wonderful day and thank you for standin' in the Levanger Line! You made it a good one. LYL

Paige Moore said...

Kacie: Yes, you do need to be more like me :)
Britney: It was actually in the first week of classes. Long enough to have my family gone and short enough to still be living with strangers. And it was before I learned to make my own birthday great and still wanted others to do it for me. Happy happy birthday.