Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Year New Look

So on New Years Day we decided to go sledding. We borrowed some sleds from the neighbors and headed out to Union Park. The park is just down the street has only one very small hill. It's not a huge magnet for sledders, but was exactly perfect for us. We had a fantastically amazing time. Miriam was a sledder extraordinaire. She loved coasting down the icy hillside. Really, it was only about 50 feet and even I liked it. And I don't like activities in the cold outsideness. Miriam decided to go by herself, and she did amazingly well. But on her second solo flight, somebody (okay it was me) put her sled on a direct collision course with a tree. The sled hit the tree. Miriam flew off the sled. Miriam's face hit the tree. Oh the guilt. She was scraped up, her nose was crooked, and there was tons of instant swelling, so we headed for the car and took her to the local docinthebox. When we arrived, we had nothing but shuddering sobs. After we got settled down, Miriam was much more animated about this adventure. And when the doctor told her that because she was such an awesome patient she could have tokens to the toy machine, she was absolutely energized! Amazing what a ten-cent toy can do for a girl. She had an x-ray, and still likes showing people how she had to hold her head. All of her bones are perfectly intact and her septum is straight. No more guilt! Anyway, here's a track of the first few days...

Day one: This is when we got home from the doctors. She's still in a lot of pain, but is an absolute trooper.

Day two. This might have been the worst of the swelling days. Remember on Willow when everybody was getting turned into pigs? She was sporting the half-way between human and pig look. Very cute.

Day three. Still kind of swollen. A lot more bruising. I don't think the flipping off is intentional. Then again, maybe she realized it was me who aimed her sled for the tree...

Day four: This was probably the worst bruising. It was this day that she looked in the mirror and said "I'm a monster from PBS kids dot org!" She didn't seem too sad about it, but I was a little sad to hear that that was her opinion of her own reflection.

Day 7: Today: The swelling has mostly gone down and the bruise is more green than anything. Even the black streak under her eye is more lavender than purple. And yes, I know she has the same hairstyle and pajamas on as she did on day 2. But I have proof that she has changed clothes since then!

1 comment:

erin said...

Oh my goodness that poor sweet little thing! I can't explain why, but I am reminded of when you accidentally hit that squirrel when you didn't slow your car down for him because you didn't want to throw off his timing:D! No guilt, though, this had nothing to do with timing - you just probably didn't even see the tree. The point of the squirrel thing is to let you know that I know you are always thinking of others and as soon as you DID see the tree I can picture you willing it to get out of the way of your girl. Bless her heart - those monsters from PBSKIDS.ORG are awfully cute. Give her an extra squeeze and kiss from me and Henry!