Friday, August 15, 2008

Isn't it ironic?

This has long since been a favorite of mine. So apt, so appropriate, so unfortunately true. I'm the only person that I know who has sprained an ankle in Geometry class and chipped a tooth in the library. Yesterday a girl I know was wearing a shirt with this cartoon on it. I, now being a proud resident of Midvale, was shocked to see that it reads and has always read "Midvale School for the Gifted." It almost makes me feel like it's fate that I live here now. Things that make you go hmmm...


Anonymous said...

That's funny Paige! This has always been one of our family favorites of the Far Side cartoons. I'm glad you can take some ownership in it too.

Anonymous said...

This totally cracked up up!! I've also loved this comic but I love it more now that I know who it was meant for!!! =)