Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Queen of Clean

First of all, let me assure you that Miriam is as filthy a girl as can be. A bath is required every evening and after most meals and snacks, although it usually is just a quick wipedown. The first thing I do after she goes down is marvel how messy things can get in such a short time. But other than being a very normal 18 month old little girl who is interested in absolutely everything, she also has a clean streak. It started when she was tiny. Very often, the only way we could get her to stop crying was by turning on the vacuum cleaner. It was instantly miraculous. After I got really tired of carrying her around while vacuuming, I just plugged it in by the rocking chair. We could turn it on and Miriam off as easy as pressing a button. I thought then she might grow up to be a lover of clean things. So far, I was right. She is fascinated with the potty. She knows that if she sits on it she gets potty candy (marshmallows), but in order to sit on it, she needs mom or dad's help. She can clean the potty though, all by herself. So often I'll hear splashes from the bathroom only to come in and see Miriam with the plunger or the toilet bowl cleaner, getting everything spic and span and wash washing it til it shines, a huge smile on her face. She also loves puting things away. Once her tin of crayons were on the bed in the office. They don't belong there, but that's where I had put them for some reason. She found them and brought them to the front room where we got them out and she colored. When it was time, I told her to put her crayons away. I saw her start putting crayons in the tin and I let her keep going by herself. After she was in bed, I gathered the few crayons that were left on the floor, but could not find the tin. I finally checked in the office and there it was on the bed right where she had found it. The lid wasn't on and there were crayons spilling out the side, but she had put her crayons away. It was so sweet I teared up right there. She loves to help washing the windows, she loves to wipe the table, she always helps dad with the kitty litter, and she knows to take her diapers and throw them in the garbage. If only I could get her to wash the guck away instead of just rubbing it in...

And for your viewing pleasure, you can push play and see how immediate and amazing the vacuum cleaner was for us. I love our Kirby!


Anonymous said...

Oh that video is hilarious! It made me laugh right out loud. Henry liked the sound of the vacuum as well. Perhaps not as on/off button as little Mim, but if I needed an extra 15 minutes when he was napping and almost waking up, turning the vacuum on kept him asleep every time. He also liked it awake; I made up some lyrics to the tune of "Oh here we come awassailing" and since I can't recall if I shared them with you before, here they are now just for fun:

Oh here we come a-vacuuming,
A-vacuuming we go
It serves a dual purpose,
It cleans and soothes you so,
Love that noise,
Yes you do.
And it cleans the carpet, too.
I confess, such a loud sound seems inherently wrong,
But you love it when we turn the vacuum on!


Anonymous said...

She's so cute! I love that she is so clean.

Will I ever see you again?????

Paige Moore said...

Erin: I do remember the song and think of it frequently when I am vacuuming. You always were good at changing the lyrics!

Kacie: I sure hope I'll see you again! It would be so sad if we just didn't. Let's plan...