Sunday, October 19, 2008


Every week there is a picture in the Outdoors section of the Salt Lake Tribune asking "Where is it?" Readers can email in their ideas of where in Utah it depicts, and they draw a name from the correct answerers to win a book. Well, last week Brent knew exactly where the picture was, actually emailed it into the guy, AND he was the lucky person to win the book! HOW EXCITING IS THAT?!? Here's the link to this week's "Where is it?" article that says that Brent won. It's a little ironic that the spot is one in Grand Staircase that Brent tried to find but alas couldn't. Still, he immediately knew it was Zebra Canyon. To the left is is the original picture from the paper. Below is a picture of Brent and Miriam enjoying their Dinosaurs of Utah book. And below that is both of them looking up like T-Rex is doing in the book. CONGRATULATIONS, BRENT! WE'RE SO PROUD!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Job, Brent! There's nothing like a free dinosaur book:)