Thursday, October 16, 2008

Is it red?

When Miriam was born, she had definate dark red hair. That all fell out in a stage I refer to as her "little old man" look. It has grown in pretty blonde. I in fact think of her as blonde. But twice in the past week, complete strangers have commented on "what a cute redhead!" And they weren't talking about me. Both of the strangers were at car-oriented places (the gas station and the place we got our state inspection), so maybe it's a car thing. But there is a chance that we still have a redhead on our hands! Above is a picture where I think she could really be red. And below is one from before her dark red hair fell out, then another from her little old man stage cause gosh I thought she was so dang cute (in a really homely sort of way).


Kacie said...

she looks like a blonde to me....must be a car thing.

Anonymous said...

You are right - it is hard to tell. I kept scrolling down to see other pictures:) - At OMSI, there are 2 pictures that are taken from the same the eagle's nest she looks pretty blonde - but in the water erosion display, she looks like a redhead. In the sink/bath it could go either way. Sitting next to Henry, she looks slightly strawberry. He is pretty blond though...although as I think I told you before, it does look much redder when it's wet. Then, in the next picture down when she is walking with Malone, she looks blonde again. Hence, you'll just have to wait and see. She awfully cute, regardless:)

Anonymous said...

I could give you the Clairol numberes which I combine to use.....

Anonymous said...

I think as long as she's with you she's a red...though her hair probably looks pretty blonde next to yours. And the little old man pic...that's funny.