Monday, December 8, 2008


Miriam adores her daddy. And her daddy adores her. No matter how sad or frustrated she is, as soon as she hears the back door opening which signals the arrival of dad from work, she runs to it yelling "DADDY DADDY DADDY DADDY!" She simply loves him and loves being with him. The other day, I picked up the camera to look at some pictures and I found this adorable little series.
I had no idea she could make faces on command for the camera. She's never done that for me! I'll have to ask Brent what his technique was. I also know they're in the office, what with the window and computer in the background, but other than that I don't know the circumstances under which these were taken. I recognize Brent's "mean face" in the last picture, although the expression is a bit skewed when he's trying not to laugh. Miriam doesn't look too mean, either, but she's trying!

1 comment:

Marika said...

It looks like you have a lovely family!