Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Rollin' again

When Miriam was born, we got a jogger stroller from Target. We chose it basically because it was a tough stroller (meaning we could take it on grass and not be frustrated) and it was priced right. Miriam loved the stroller and her stroller rides. They were her "chill time," and she would just sit back and watch the world go by, and we used it all the time. So when we found out Elijah was coming, we started looking for a doubler. I focused mainly on ksl.com, thinking that used would be cheaper. I found a good deal and snagged it. Then it turned out that I hated it because the shade thing on top couldn't go back and forth and was basically useless unless you were walking with the sun at your back. I found myself pulling the busters backwards more than once because of that darn sun and not going on walks because it wouldn't be fun for any of us. It turns out that my priced-right brand of stroller (BabyTrend) is one of the only kinds that has a moveable shade thing, and it's absolutely wonderful. It can ratchet down to right in front of them with just a slight push. It's so nice! As we go around a corner to face the sun, I flip the thing down and my kids are not squinting and hot. As we turn the corner back, I flip it up and they can see everything again. I'm so lucky that my favorite feature just happened to not be standard on all strollers, although I for one think it should be. SO, I sold the doubler that didn't have the flip-down shade on ksl (for the same price I bought it at and had about ten calls in the first half-hour... I should have tried to make some money off the deal!) and found a doubler that was our exact kind but doubled (also on ksl... gotta love it). HALLELUJAH! We love going on walks again.

On a side note, Brent commented that he really liked having Elijah drinking Dr. Pepper and eating Oreos in the past two consecutive posts, and so I have chosen a Cheetos-eating picture for our double stroller representation.

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