Monday, July 6, 2009


Last night Eli shuddered and gagged on his homemade babyfood dinner. Sigh. So today we opened it all up and put it in the blender. OH IT WORKED SO MUCH BETTER! If there is a next time, I'll skip the meat grinder all together and just focus on the blender. It would cut the time down dramatically. Plus, with the added water, it made a lot more than I had before. I didn't count the containers, but it's feeling more worth it. We'll see if I ever feel like it would be worth my time and money to buy more food and mash it up for the kid. But see how happy he was? Sometimes all it takes to get some real recognition is to feed the kid a gloopy meal so he realizes how good he normally gets it!


Anonymous said...

I just have to say that I LOVED making homemade baby food. I thought it was SO GREAT and easy. You can also freeze the food in ice cube trays and then once they freeze, transfer them to plastic bags and then just pull 2 or 3 cubes out when you feed the babe....they are suppossed to last 2-3 months in the fridge. You should try fruit. I found that fruit got a lot smoother than most veggies. I learned a lot about the benefits from a website called
and I think I really did save A LOT of money over the long haul. My friend (once her baby got a little older) would take her magic bullet thingy and just blend up whatever she was feeding the fam for dinner and feed that to her baby. I never tried that, but it is smart....maybe if I had done that my kids wouldnt be suck picky eaters now.

He is adorable BTW....

Mom/Nana said...

I mushed up our meals in the baby grinder thingee with you, Adam, and Kels. There were times I felt sorry for you having to eat the mass of glump it produced, but you all ate it. Who knows about the cost or the health benefits. I did it for both of those reasons, but don't think it made a great deal of difference in the eternal aspect of things.