Saturday, January 10, 2009

Oh say, can you see?

I could and maybe will sometime in the near future write a whole bunch about Miriam's hair. Usually she's more interested to see what it is that's in it that how it looks at all, and pulls out whatever decorative item is in it due to that curiosity. But she does like the idea of decorations in her hair. When she finds one of my headbands, she picks it up and puts it on her head. She has a tendency, though, to place them very carefully across her forehead rather than on the crown, where a headband is traditionally worn. Sometimes they slip down over her eyes and remind me of the StarTrek type of sunglasses that were all the rage in the late 80s. I rarely have my camera at these times and because the headband doesn't stay balanced for that long I usually just enjoy it myself without feeling the need to memorialize it. I did get a nice phone shot once, though, that you can see. With all of my cleaning and clearing lately, Miriam has gotten into the fun of things by searching through her desk drawers. These are basically empty, but she did find a grouping of baby headbands, the type I refer to as head-suckers. I didn't use these much on Miriam. When I did, she usually pulled them out and if she kept them in, they left dents in her head. But they're still hanging around. So when she found them, she put them on her head, Miriam-style. They were so tight that they scrunched her little eyes down and she could barely see out of them. But she loved it! She ran to the mirror and tilted her head to peer out of her one eye that was left a wee bit open to see how it all looked and was so excited about it. After we took some pictures and talked about how pretty it was, she let me push it up a little to her head. It looked a lot more comfortable, as you can see in the after picture below, but obviously it wasn't quite what she wanted. The headband came out and she was off on another adventure.


Shauna said...

Head-suckers?? I like that. Erline called tham head-tournequets (not sure on the spelling) So that is what we call them. I am not a fan of the head-suckers so Charlee never wore them.

Anonymous said...

Head suckers, honey, or rolled up pieces of scotch tape I used to adhere tiny bows to my little girls' heads....none of them seems to work. I rather enjoy Mim's fashion statement!

Anonymous said...

I don't think I can add a picture here, but I'll post it on a family website right now. It's from a month or 2 ago, but it popped into my head when you mentioned the glasses from Star Trek. When I took this picture, all I could think of was the Star Trek guy from Reading Rainbow!