Thursday, March 6, 2008

My Miriam

Okay, let's face it. The number one reason that I started a blog was because I have the smartest, kindest, toughest, sweetest, and all around most amazing little girl in the world and quite frankly all of her friends and family have the right to see all of the smart, kind, tough, sweet, and amazing things that she does all the time. So I am going to make a list of just a few of the millions of things that I love about Miriam Paige Moore, age 13 months.

1. The way her ponytails stick straight up. When she has two, they look like little antennaes. When there's just one it looks like an exclamation mark on her head. She is so cute!

2. How her voice changes depending on what she's doing. When she talks to the cats, she uses a ducklike voice that Grandpa Moore calls her "tough voice." When she's rocking her baby dolls, however, it's much more singsongy. And when she's in the bathtub having the time of her life, it's completely joyous.

3. Watching her be so attentive. She is aware of things going on around her and likes to watch as things move across her field of vision. She stops and watches, studying everything very carefully.

4. The way she puts olives on her fingers before she eats them.

5. The way she shimmies when she dances. She tenses her side muscles and just jigs. It's absolutely adorable.

6. How after dinner she plays for a bit, then gets her stacking cups (her favorite bath toy) out and walks to the sink telling us that she's ready to take a bath.

7. The way she feeds me goldfish or pretzels or cheese or whatever else she's eating when she's having a snack. She is so generous. She did get her finger nibbled once at church when sharing with a friend. Miriam didn't get her fingers out of the little girl's mouth before the said little girl bit down on the goldfish. I'm sure it was an accident. Plus Miriam is tough and doesn't hold grudges.

8. The fact that she is a natural "maker." She loves putting things "in," "away," and shutting doors. She knows where the remote controls belong and can put them away even when she's across the room from where they go.

9. How she waves her hands around when music starts. She loves watching the music conductor at church and she definately has a flair for it.

10. The way she pats my back when I pick her up. It is so gentle, and exactly the same thing that I do for her. But it is the sweetest thing in the world.

11. The way she knows how to sign "more," but will only do it at the bottom of the slide. Oh, it's nice to have spring here!

12. How much I love her!

Oh my goodness I just LOVE this little girl! I could go on and on but then what would I write tomorrow?


Anonymous said...

Hooray! WE will love seeing Miriam day to day! She's definitely a little Paige (smart, tough, brilliant, beautiful, etc.) and looks so much like you. What a doll!

Have fun in Boise on Erin-go-braless Day!

Anonymous said...

Paige....She is so cute. Children are the most amazing and wonderful things in the world. She is beautiful! I am excited you have a blog so now I can stay in better touch with you.

Oh another note....the Erin go braless thing sounds very interesting. It remindes me of when I was at Snow College and every thursday was commando day.....thats right...I was all about no underwear on thursdays. Do you remember Maren the music therapy girl who went on a mission who you and Natalie um....didnt like? She went commando with me on thursdays as well.

JJ Levanger Family said...


I linked your page to ours. With that cute baby on here make sure tht you go to your settings page and make it so only invited people can get to your site :-)
